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CIA Report Predicts India’s Emergence as a World Power

Friday, January 14, 2005

The National Intelligence Council has released a report called Project 2020. In this report, the CIA committee makes many predictions, but perhaps the most frightening is the emergence of India as a world entertainment superpower. Unlike other documents released from the CIA recently, this one was not classified.

The integration of 1 billion low paid workers going to films will cause global shifts

Council vice-chairman David Gordon said that the world ahead could mean "a very bumpy ride." Also, Gordon stated that the integration of 1 billion low paid workers going to films will cause global shifts, economically, politically and culturally. "Of course, the United States is in good shape to participate in this world, but it will be a world that will be much more competitive for us," Gordon said.

According to the report, by 2020 Bollywood should outshine Hollywood as the center of entertainment. The report predicts that Bollywood will, in the near future, look like Hollywood. The CIA panel went on to say that they feared Bollywood would soon start to use the plotlines of western spy thrillers. "Our greatest concern is that terrorists might acquire biological agents or, less likely, a nuclear device, either of which could cause mass causalities," the report said.

Our greatest concern is that terrorists might acquire biological agents

The report did stipulate that Bollywood will only become a player in world entertainment if directors are allowed to add more romance and sex scenes. However, the report sites the hot scenes between Aishwarya Rai and Sanjay Dutt in their new film ‘Shabd’. Even Rai who had vowed never to give in to the modern trends of the Hindi film industry, realized that her status would be adversely affected if she continued to follow more traditional standards.

Over 1000 analysts worked on the Project 2020 report. However, because of tight budgets and number of people leaving the CIA due to the leadership of Porter Goss, most of the preparation of the report had to be farmed out to India.