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The World’s Most Powerful… Kisser?

Thursday, February 03, 2005

(SNN) Today, the Senate approved the nomination of Alberto Gonzales in a 60 to 36 vote. Gonzales was quickly sworn in by Vice President Dick Cheney before anyone could change their minds. Democrats tended to vote against Gonzales, citing his weak position on civil rights, his record of hiding evidence in court cases and his support of torture. Republicans tend to like Gonzales because of his weak position on civil rights, his record of hiding evidence in court cases and his support of torture. It is not know whether Cheney wore his signature parka and boots.

As late as yesterday afternoon, it had been reported that Lieberman was undecided about the issue.

Only six of the twenty or so Democratic Senators voted for Gonzales. Ted Kennedy went as far as to say it was "a sad day for the Senate" to confirm "a person who was at the heart of the policy on torture that has so shamed America in the eyes of the whole world." Of the Democrats to vote for Gonzales’s confirmation, the most senior was Joe Lieberman.

On the outside, it seems innocuous that Lieberman, one of the more conservative members of the Democratic Party, would support Gonzales. But as late as yesterday afternoon, it had been reported that Lieberman was undecided about the issue. Something between yesterday and today had to sway Lieberman, and that something was a kiss.

You would never catch Bush kissing Tommy Thompson or Donald Rumsfeld.

Last night, after the State of the Union Address, Bush stopped to hug and kiss Lieberman. At first, one might consider this is a surprising move for the leader of such and anti-French and anti-Homosexual party, but Bush is quite fond of kissing in general.

While you would never catch Bush kissing Tommy Thompson or Donald Rumsfeld, and he only occasionally hugs Alberto Gonzales, Bush has been known to kiss the Condoleezza Rice and Margaret Spellings. From Britton there have also been repeated accusations that Tony Blair has kissed Bush’s ass.

Despite Bush’s obvious personal space issues, kissing a Democrat on the floor of the Senate is still quite a surprising action. This has led some to speculation that Bush’s goal was more than just a swift snuggle with the leading legislator but something entirely more politically plentiful. Could it be that Bush’s kiss is so potent that he can actually deliver a vote on the power of his lips alone? Could all these legislative sessions where the Republicans vote with seemingly one mind be the result of massive make out sessions in the Oval Office? If this is the case, the Democratic Party should consider some kind of face shields when it comes time to vote on Social Security.