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Frist says Schiavo was Aware

Sunday, June 19, 2005

(SNN Washington) Bill Frist has consistently set the record straight on his abilities as a Senator. Now he wishes to also make his medical skill well known to the public.

Frist made very clear statements on the health of Terri Schiavo.

Amid the debate on the Senate floor, Frist made very clear statements on the health of Terri Schiavo. He said he spoke "more as a physician than as a U.S. Senator" and questioned the diagnosis of every legitimate doctor to diagnose Schiavo. "I say that I question it," said Frist "and I question it based on a review of the video footage which I spent an hour or so looking at last night in my office here in the Capitol"

After the autopsy has shown that Terri Schiavo was actually blind, many say that Frist, who went as far as to suggest Schiavo was responding to visual stimuli, was using his medical reputation to exploit Schiavo and further his political ambitions. But not everyone is so hard on Frist. Some say Frist is merely and idiot and a quack.

Many say that Frist was using his medical reputation to exploit Schiavo and further his political ambitions.

It is expected that on Monday, Frist will again speak on behalf of Terri Schiavo on the Senate floor. Frist plans to convince the Senate that Terri is still alive to pass a last minute “Defense of Terri Schiavo act”. This came as a great surprise to those who cremated her, but Frist insists they did not have all the information.

The only question that really remains is what will the Republican lawmakers who staked their reputations on Terri Schivo going to do next? Rumors say that Jeb Bush has started an investigation attempting to implicate Michael Schiavo in the UN Oil for Food scandal, the gassing of Kurdish villages, and the Wendy’s finger incident. After showing unlimited capacity for idiocy and incompetence, Frist may well run for President. And Tom DeLay is jetting off to Hawaii, on the tab of a Houston area ministry, where he will faith heal children in wheelchairs.