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The finger on the invisible hand

MSN Blogs’ Chinese Secret

Thursday, June 16, 2005

(SNN Beijing) Microsoft, has admitted that it works with the Chinese government to omit forbidden words in Chinese blogs. Amongst the words are obscenities, sexual terms, and words and phrases like “freedom”, “human rights” and “democracy”.

Microsoft, has admitted that it works with the Chinese government

To answer the allegations Microsoft lead product manager Brooke Richardson was quoted as saying, "MSN abides by the laws, regulations and norms of each country in which it operates." Another Microsoft employee, global sales and marketing director, Adam Sohn, simply answered, "I don't have access to the list at this point so I can't really comment specifically on what's there."

the Chinese will never be exposed to the American style of democracy

The problem with putting restrictions like these into speech is that the Chinese will never be exposed to the American style of democracy where freedom is cherished. They might never have the hope that life can be better. They might never hear George Bush’s statements about spreading freedom or Laura Bush’s horse masturbation joke. They might never hear about Clinton’s fellated impeachment or the movement for a gay marriage amendment. They wouldn’t know about the Michael Jackson trial. On the other hand, maybe the filter is not so bad.

Still more troubling are the rumors that Steve Ballmer broke up a a protest of student dissidents during this years’ anniversary of Tienanmen square. Reports say that Ballmer charged in with a baseball bat screaming, “Developers Developers Developers Developers.”