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Chock full of Mercury Goodness

Friday, June 17, 2005

(SNN DeKalb) An article on The Huffington Post says that ABC killed Robert Kennedy Jr. interviews. The interviews all centered around Mr. Kennedy's investigation of thimerosal, a mercury based preservative, used in vaccines given to children.

The interviews all centered around Mr. Kennedy's investigation of thimerosal

While ABC says that it had no intention of killing the interviews, the Huffington Post is standing behind its statements. “Had anyone called us abut your unsourced posting I would have been glad to tell you that ABC News is hard at work on that report, said ABC, “We will air when and if we deem it ready.” To corroborate this evidence, it should be noted that interviews were cancelled on ABC World News Tonight, 20/20, and Good Morning America.

Bill Frist is not sure that mercury is bad for children.

But not everyone is sure that mercury is bad for children. Bill Frist added a rider onto the Patriot Act called the "Eli Lilly Protection Act" so the drug manufacturer could not be sued by people who suspected that pumping mercury into their children was harmful. This was completely unrelated to the $873,000 Frist received from pharmaceutical companies.

Some say that ABC was trying to use is massive media empire to suppress the story because of the massive amount of advertising money they receive from drug companies and they have only changed their mind and decided to play the interview because the public found out. However, maybe they, like Frist genuinely want to pump children full of mercury. Either way, it is hardly a surprising move. This isn’t the first time a Kennedy has been killed under mysterious circumstances.