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The finger on the invisible hand

Marijuana Use Promotes Neurogenesis in the Hippocampus

Sunday, October 16, 2005

(SNN Calgary) While some studies have shown that periodic use of marijuana can cause memory loss and impair learning and a host of other health problems, new research suggests that drug could have some benefits when administered regularly in high doses.

Neuropsychiatry Research at the University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon has found that cannabinoids promoted generation of neurons in the hippocampuses. Crap, there were a lot of big words in that sentence.

The Neuropsychiatry Researchers found that cannabinoids curbed depression and anxiety, which suggests a correlation between neurogenesis and moods swings, which has puzzled some neuropharmacologists. Wow, even more big words.

The researchers used as more potent version of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinal

Ok, screw this. I'm going for tacos.

I'd smoke pot instead of having to rely on the state to fund my $1000+ antipsyochotropic medication bill. But wouldn't that make me a criminal?

Fuck them. Fuck them. Someone needs to scream FUCK THEM. Oh that someone is me.
The girl with the red hair is so hot. Her being stoned might actually get her not to notice how uptight and inept with women I am. Do you have her name, address, phone number, and smoking preference?
I've always suspected there was more to this campaign to stamp out marijuana users than we were being told about.
Sadly, they were using HU210, which is a synthesized version of D-5, D-6 or D-7 THC, not D-9. (How can I not remember? j/k)

Don't get me wrong, it gets you high.
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