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The finger on the invisible hand

“Regardless of the outcome of this election”

Saturday, November 20, 2004

Seven words, words of protest, and words of revolution, these words were sent in an email Friday to supporters of John Kerry. The main purpose of the email was a petition drive supporting a bill to provide health insurance for children, but there are more important things to worry about here than sick children.

Could we handle Michael Dukakis running the War on Terror?

Not only did Kerry mildly suggest, in his smug, intellectual way, that the outcome of the election was not yet known. Kerry went on to say, “"once all the votes are counted -- and they will be counted”". Is this some type of thinly veiled jab at the Republican ability to count? Or is it something deeper? Kerry did not even say which election he was referring to. What is it going to be, JFK? Are you going to try to roll back Bush'’s first term as well, or are you going to sick your hounds on his father? Four years of a liberal like John Kerry would be bad enough at this critical juncture, but could we handle Michael Dukakis running the War on Terror?

It is even rumored that the Boston Tea Party happened in Massachusetts.

But what could John Kerry do at this point? Rumor indicates that he might be building some kind of makeshift militia of pro-abortion Catholics in his home state. Massachusetts is long known as a haven for revolutionaries. It is even rumored that the Boston Tea Party happened in Massachusetts.

So, Americans, you have your choice, take up with this dangerous madman hiding under the guise of helping sick children at:, or prove you'’re a real American and fight. It is our duty to Democracy to make sure that not every vote is counted.