Harry Potter Bad for Children
Thursday, July 21, 2005
(SNN) The news is barely settled down over Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. The book has broken all kinds of records for sales, but the question remains is it suitable for children? In my opinion it is not. The following review contains some information from the books, so you may want to read the book first, however I do not suggest it.
The writing in this sixth installment of Harry Potter is abysmal
The writing in this sixth installment of Harry Potter is abysmal, the plot is puerile, and the situations absurd and nonsensical. I was amazed at how many mistakes the author made in writing the story. Do they not even have simple spell checkers at their publishing house?
Most of the scenes seemed gratuitous and unnecessary. Do we really need a three page description of Hermione’s breasts? Do we have to know about sex lives of house elves? Does the book have to spend fifty pages describing how Harry has sex with every member of the Weasley family, as well as nearly every female instructor at Horwarts?
Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince is no more than a cheap piece of pornography aimed at the youth market. This is not only irresponsible but damaging to the development of young people. Nearly everything in this book is offensive, from the Dursley’s incestuous relationship to the celebratory coed showers after Quidditch matches.
Adrian Chevelle, Senior Entertainment Editor
Update 1:
It turns out that Mr. Chevelle did not in fact read Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince, but a disguised piece of fan fiction entitled “Harry Potter and the Half Buggered Prince”.
And BTW, you are not alone in believing that Harry Potter is bad for children. The Pope agrees with you.
-- Badtux the Snarky Penguin
Actually, I read this front to back in a day and a half. It's definitely a dark book.