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Summer to be Hard on Flyers

Sunday, July 03, 2005

(SNN Washington) Several major delays in airports are only the start of what may be one of the most difficult summers for air travelers. The Transportation Department Inspector General’s office issued a warning that millions of travelers may experience delays this summer.

The Transportation Department Inspector General’s office issued a warning

Airline delays are usually worse in summer because of thunderstorms. Federal Aviation Administration forecasters are predicting a heavy storm season and storms were bad in the Midwest in early June. In addition to thunderstorm problems, delays have increased due to low-cost carrier growth in bigger markets, hub consolidations by the biggest airlines, increased regional jet traffic and a surge in passenger growth.

As many as four percent of travelers may reach their destination

While it is estimated that many travelers will experience delays, there is good news. It is expected that as many as four percent of travelers may reach their destination within a week of scheduled departure.

These delays will be especially hard on airlines. Delays cost airlines more than $6.2 billion in operating expenses in 2004, industry figures show. In addition, many travelers may consider easier alternatives to air travel such as driving, walking or euthanasia.