NewsBlog 5000
The finger on the invisible hand

Editor's Note -- Skippy Is Arrested

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Today, while writing a story about House ethics and corruption, our own James Skippenofsky was taken into custody. James was charged with armed robbery and for withholding information in regards to the murder of a man known as DJ Troy.

This predicament along with the ongoing incarceration of Alice Humbees leaves me, as the editor of one of America's leading online news magazines, with no real staff for actually writing the news.

For the time being, I am going to have to shut down NewsBlog 5000. Hopefully, following a fortunate arraignment of James Skippenofsky, and the release (with good behavior) of Alice Humbees, we will be able to resume activities in early February.

Ryan Maynard, Editor, NewsBlog 5000

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