NewsBlog 5000
The finger on the invisible hand

Editor's Note: A Few Changes

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

You may have noticed a few changes at our humble little publication, perhaps the finest new source in the country. I have started writing editorials and our own bus driver, Roy, has started writing occasional thoughts for the day.

I have been a little nervous about writing editorials after my original writing debut. Shortly before I started here at NewsBlog 5000, I wrote a lengthy novel, "Detective of Ecstasy". The story is about a Scotland Yard detective who investigates the murder of Price Charles and ends up balling the majority of the royal family. He doesn't ever solve the case, but after he bangs the Queen Mum, he is knighted. I sent it to several publishers, and finally, I received a $20,000 payment from a publishing house that must legally remain nameless. The money was received on the condition that I never force anyone to read the book again.

Finally, we are welcome to return Roy to our writing staff after his unfortunate suspension for inappropriately touching James Skippenofsky.

Ryan Maynard, Editor, NewsBlog 5000