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The Downside of Abuse Photos

Sunday, December 05, 2004

The Navy has started a new investigation on their elite Navy Seals. Photos found on the website “” seem to be showing members of the Seals abusing Iraqi prisoners roughly a month after the fall of Baghdad. The Seals are shown in various activities, such as holding hooded prisoners by the throat, holding guns to their heads, and using them as furniture.

Gen. Kimmitt’s statement came as a surprise to sources that reported him as killed in action

General Mark Kimmitt, who is based at U.S. Central Command in Quatar described the photographs as an isolated incident not reflecting the conduct of most American soldiers. But he is afraid that a few isolated incidents will be used as tools to unfairly tarnish America’s image in the Middle East. Gen. Kimmitt’s statement came as quite a surprise to sources that reported him as killed in action earlier this year.

This allegation should come as a surprise to no one as Americans come from a fine tradition of using people as furniture. George Washington often said that the only breakfast worth eating was a hash brownie eaten off the back of a slave. Benjamin Franklin often greeted guests while sitting on a throne of French whores. Alexander Hamilton was sitting on Sam Adam’s lap when he signed the Declaration of Independence. Hamilton later blamed Adams for “making it so big”.

Benjamin Franklin often greeted guests while sitting on a throne of French whores.

The wife of the Seal that took the pictures put the photos on the website, “”. They were later found by a Associated Press reporter. There has been quite a bit of fallout from the finding of these photos. People all over the world were shocked to find out that things you put on the internet can be found by other people. Many rushed to their computers to take down pictures of themselves smoking pot, getting naked at the office party, singing karaoke, shoplifting, selling drugs, gunning down law enforcement officers, and having sex with their girlfriend’s best friend.