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Device Disproves Quantum Theory

Friday, November 04, 2005

(SSN Antwerp) Richard Mills, a Harvard University medic who also studied electrical engineering and MIT, claims that he has built a prototype power source that would produce vast amounts of cheap energy. In addition, his finding completely rewrites modern physics.

Mills is supposedly only months away from presenting his prototype.

Dr Mills says that he has investors lined up to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars if he can prove that his prototype works, and Mills is supposedly only months away from presenting his prototype.

However, modern physics can not explain why Mills’s device works. The explained method the device uses to produce power, moving hydrogen electrons closer to the nucleus of the atom, would rewrite the rules of quantum mechanics. Many modern physicists have questioned his work, partly because it would mean abandoning 50 years of accepted science, but mostly because they wish they would have thought of it first.

Energy from the new technology would cost around 1.2 cents per kilowatt hour.

Mill’s company, Blacklight Power, is slated to start providing devices in the next four years. It has been predicted that energy from the new technology would cost around 1.2 cents per kilowatt hour. This compares to an average of 5 cents per kWh for coal and 6 cents for nuclear energy.

But Mills has work to do. In the next few months, he must finish a working prototype and prove to the scientific community and his prospective backers that the technology is feasible. If he proves his technology works, he will be disemboweled with a trowel and hung upside down underneath a bridge. Traditionally, this is where most alternative energy projects fail. If he can survive the disemboweling, the world will finally have cheap renewable energy.