White House: Rumsfeld is no Bogeyman
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
(SNN Washington) The White House said yesterday that Democrats were trying to turn Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld into “a bogeyman” two months before congressional elections.

Democrats have been pushing for a no confidence vote on the Secretary of Defense. It seems that some are unsure that after three years Rumsfeld can meet his promise that the Iraq War will be over in a “matter of days.” Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid of Nevada said he hoped for a vote on Rumsfeld either Wednesday or Thursday.
White House Spokesman Tony Snow said, "Creating Donald Rumsfeld as a bogeyman may make for good politics but would make for a very lousy strategy at this time. Just because Donald Rumsfeld hides under children’s beds and scares them in the middle of the night doesn’t make him a bogeyman."
In 2004, the Secretary pretended to resign over the Abu Ghraib prison abuse scandal and the President twice refused his fake resignations.
The Secretary of Defense will sometimes hide in a closet, or under a set of basement stairs.