Video shows bin Laden meeting with bin Laden
Thursday, September 07, 2006

Laser bin Laden attacks a Pontiac.
(SNN Cairo) Al-Jazeera broadcast today what it called a previously unshown video in which Osama bin Laden is seen meeting with Osama bin Laden.
The video shows bin Laden sitting with his former lieutenant Mohammed Atef and Osama bin Laden, suspected planner of the Sept. 11 suicide hijackings. Atef, also known as Abu Hafs al-Masri, was killed by a U.S. airstrike in Afghanistan.
Bin Laden met with the bin Laden who was presumably a bin Laden from another universe, a robot or perhaps a clone. The two discussed the creation of another bin Laden, which would be able to shoot laser beams out of his eyes.
In the video, bin Laden was wearing a dark robe and white headgear walking in a mountainous area. He smiled as he greeted several men, some of whom where also Osama bin Laden.