Now it's Getting Interesting
Tuesday, May 30, 2006

(SNN Graham) If Democrat Representative Brad Miller wins his third term, GOP opponent Vernon Robinson promises "America would be nothing but one big fiesta for illegal aliens and homosexuals."
Robinson has very good reasons for believing this. He points out Miller is "out of the mainstream" because he is childless. In fact, Miller is so anti-family that he allowed his wife to have a hysterectomy just to save her life. Also, Robinson points out that Miller has friends. And friends, Robinson points out, might be gay.
There are many people that think that they can spot a homosexual, and Robinson is one of them. In 2004 he described his GOP opponent Ed Broyhill as "limp wristed". He has also called married war veteran Markos Zuniga Brad Miller's lover. Despite his constant search for homosexuals, it is not known if Robinson has ever scored.
While Miller has spent two terms in the House already and not turned America into a big fiesta for illegal aliens and homosexuals, Robinson believes he can make it this time.
But still the question remains, 'Why does Robinson keep supporting Miller?' Because deep down everyone, especially Robinson, wants a big fiesta full of illegal aliens and homosexuals.
Damn, I don't need no queer son who my fruity cousin is gonna pop his man cherry before he gets his first pimple!
Immigration equals child sodomy!
btw. What's up this fucking Korean stuff I need to type in the box to post! Isn't this America! SHOULDN'T IT BE IN ENGLISH!? Fucking commie!