Editor's Note: I'm so excited
Thursday, December 14, 2006

In just over a month, Jack Bauer will again show us how to defend democracy. Now I know that the Hollywood liberals will try to tell you that Jack is merely a fictional character. I bet they would tell a different story if Jack had just shot out their wife’s kneecaps.
Some people may say that there are Americans more heroic than Bauer. Even if that were so, it would be George Washington or maybe Chuck Norris. He would definitely be in the top three though.
If I had to pick Washington or Bauer in a fight, I would have to pick Bauer. Picture this: they are both in a rowboat on the freezing Potomac. It is a half mile swim to either bank. Bauer shoots a hole in the bottom of the boat. “Listen General, you’re going to tell me what I want to know, or we’re both going to freeze to death in this river.” Jack fires another shot.
Norris is a wild card though. It could go either way.
I’m sorry, I really can’t go on. I get so emotional when I talk about Jack Bauer.
Dr. Ryan Maynard, Editor, NewsBlog 5000
Oh and as HillCountryGal reminded me, the actress that plays Chloe (Mary-Lynn Rajskub) was caught smooching Rush. However, the actress claims that the kissing did not lead to a physical relationship. Better luck next time Mary-Lynn.

Hey, it's just a bunch of monkeys fucking around.
Patriotism is stupid. You are a citizen of a planet, not a country.
I have always equated patriotism with pride, neither are good in large quantities.
Damn, some trolls are just so negative about EVERYTHING!
As for "24", yuck. Give me true patriotic vision like "Kelly's Heroes"! "Stop them negative waves, Moriarty" (or something close to that).
Though, "24" redid as hardcore porn might be interesting!? Instead of killing people for patriotism, he could be fucking them instead! Maybe that George Carlin guy was right?
Oh, as for BBC, I wouldn't characterize him as a troll either. I've read his blog and he seems to be on tract with his opinion.
Now, for Dr. Ryan Maynard, I think he is a secret toe fetishist that might steal water from public toilets using child size sippy cupps to bath with!
I am firmly against toilets paid for with public money. Even more disgusting is private toilets that companies are forced to make available to the public. It is yet another invention of the nanny state.
Learn to hold it, or stay home.
On the other hand, I might think we are all boobs.
Speaking of boobs, I've decided to not deal with them anymore. Modern women are just too much of a pain.
As a boob, I am most qualified to decide if Dr. Ryan Maynard is a boob. With my most credible credibility indelibly marked with a permanent marker on my forehead, I can justly and righteously declare Dr. Ryan Maynard a boob.
Yes, it is wise to give up on modern women though have you considered the new post modern woman? They take some getting used to especially the odd angles and unique organ placement.