Fifty years in Iraq
Friday, June 01, 2007
(SNN Washington) White House Spokesman Tony Snow said President Bush would like to see a fifty-year troop presence in Iraq, similar to the role of the United States military in North Korea.

The United States has had thousands of U.S. troops in South Korea to provide stability, guard against North Korean invasion and bang hot Asian chicks for fifty years. These troops have been so successful that Seoul is now the second largest metropolitan area in the world. Also due to the work of these dedicated American soldiers, Korea is ten years ahead of the United States technologically, people are generally happier and a national weather control system prevents rain during outdoor weddings. Despite this, Koreans consume over 1.5 metric tons of Kimchi per year.
"The Korean model is one in which the United States provides a security presence, but you've had the development of a successful democracy in South Korea over a period of years, and, therefore, the United States is there as a force of stability," Snow told reporters.
Many analysts say that President Bush is correct. As long as there are US troops in Iraq, it if very unlikely that the North Koreans will push a large military force across Iraqi borders.
Dubya gives me a migraine.
They are? How did I miss that? They seem pretty light in the chest to me, and a lot of them are just butt ugly. Just saying.