The Republican Purge
Friday, October 13, 2006
(SNN Washington) A memo circulated amongst religious conservative Republicans lists a group of closeted gay Republicans.

The memo, written by the Rev. Don Wildmon of the American Family Association (AFA) lists what Wildmon calls a "clique" of gay Congressional Republicans. "They oughtta fire every one of 'em," Wildmon said to a reporter from "The Nation". "I don't care if they're heterosexual or homosexual or whatever they are. If you've got that going on, that subverts the will of the people; that subverts the voters. That is subversive activity. There should be no organization among staffers in Washington of that nature, and if they find out that they're there and they're a member, they oughtta be dismissed el pronto." (Spanish emphasis, his)
However, Congressional Republicans have long resisted outing homosexual members, under the fear that there would be no Congressional Republicans left after the purge. And firing gay staffers would prove difficult as it would be illegal, thanks to the limp-wristed ACLU.
A Pew survey conducted in 2003 suggests that 94% of Republican Congressmen and their employees regularly engage in homosexual behavior, markedly higher than the national average.
In a related item, House Speaker Dennis Hastert claimed that the only reason Democrats were pushing Mark Foley's sexual indiscretions was to draw attention away from their own problems with cannibalism.
all kidding aside, the words gay & Republican don't seem to go together. i can't imagine what it would acually be like to be a gay republican congressman. Esp. at the moment.
Daily Show Interview
It will be interesting to see where the Republicans & Democrates go with all this. esp. with all the outing going on. lots of spin of course.